Community Outreach
MCAMW has a responsibility to act professionally and ethically toward our membership, the community, and the environment. In collaboration with local government, industry trade associations and our membership, MCAMW strives to create a community for our member contractors and associates to remain connected and strengthen business to business relationships. Additionally, MCAMW has connected numerous students with training and career opportunities in the mechanical, services and plumbing trades.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Rebuilding Together DC • Alexandria is an award-winning, mission-driven organization that creates healthy neighborhoods for residents in Washington, DC and Alexandria, Virginia.
Over the past three years, the Mechanical Contractors Association of Metropolitan Washington (MCAMW) has partnered with Rebuilding Together DC • Alexandria for the annual National Rebuilding Together Day.
As a sponsoring organization, the MCAMW donates materials to complete the home repairs. During the day of community service, various member contractors complete repairs to ensure that homeowners can live safely and comfortably in their homes.
Keeping Life At The Right Temperature
For more than two decades, the Mechanical Contractors Association of Metropolitan Washington (MCAMW), in partnership with Prince George’s County Department of Family Services and Agency on Aging and the Prince George’s County Fire Department, has supported the Heat’s On – Water’s Off service.
This program provides union journeymen mechanic volunteers, including HVAC technicians, plumbers, and apprentices, to service the homes of elderly citizens in Prince George’s County. These skilled mechanics assess the home’s mechanical systems to ensure it will supply the warmth and hot water needed during the colder winter months. In addition to mechanical services, the homes are monitored for faulty carbon monoxide detectors.
Thriving, Not Just Surviving
iThrive Worldwide strives to erase the opportunity gap and negative outcomes that exist for youth in foster care. iThrive’s mission is to pave the way for foster care youth and provide the appropriate resources for a higher quality of life.
The MCAMW team has participated in the donation events to support iThrive each year by sponsoring a holiday breakfast for the youths as well as local volunteers. During this holiday breakfast, youths collect their duffel bags, enjoy a warm breakfast, and welcome in the holiday season with community members.